Central office

Aitov Marat Rakhmatullayevych

Tel: 71-207-99-95

Main responsibilities: Responsible for information and analytical support of the activities of the Agency's management, monitoring, media planning, promotion of digital literacy of employees of ministries and departments, interaction with government agencies on information and response issues. 

Djaxangirova Ella Anatolevna


Main responsibilities: responsible for ensuring wide coverage of reforms implemented in Uzbekistan in foreign media, media platforms, forums, conferences, formation of positive image of the country, active promotion and implementation of the national brand, development of relations of the Agency for international cooperation.

Khusanov Jasur Ruhiddinovich

Tel: 71-244-31-85
E-mail: j.husanov@aimc.uz

Main responsibilities:
ensuring transparency in the activities of government agencies and other organizations, maintaining the culture of open dialogue with the media for civil servants, including coordination and methodological support for the activities of press services. 

Karimova Nigora Lutfullayevna

Tel: 71 244 24 09

Main responsibilities: formation and support of positive image of the agency, organization of press conferences, briefings, text of official messages for the mass media, preparation of press releases and comments and comments on them, preparation of verbal and written comments to media inquiries about the organization's activities, the agency's website updating information on the website and official pages on social networks.


Ommaviy axborot vositalari va jurnalistlar bilan manfaatli hamkorlik aloqalarini o‘rnatish, mamlakat ijtimoiy-siyosiy va ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishida ommaviy axborot vositalarining rolini kuchaytirish,  OAV rivojlanishining davlat tomonidan qo‘llab-quvvatlanishi bo‘yicha chora-tadbirlarni amalga oshirish, jurnalistlarni, OAV xodimlarini tayyorlash, qayta tayyorlash va malakasini oshirishga ko‘maklashish, jurnalistlar bilan davlat organlari hamda tashkilotlarining axborot xizmatlari munosabatlari o‘rnatilishida OAV vakillariga amaliy yordam ko‘rsatish.

Raxmonov Alimardon Rasulovich

71 244-35-35 

Main responsibilities: participates in the development of state support measures for the publishing, printing and library industry and in the coordination of their activities, library institutions scientific research and methodological work, as well as in the preparation of proposals for the introduction of industry standardization systems, innovative ideas and technologies in production, the development of reading culture.

Erkaboev Shukhrat Sobirovich

Tel: 71-244-57-65
E-mail: buhgalteriya@aimc.uz

Main responsibilities:
responsible for accounting of assets, liabilities and business operations, participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at compliance with financial regulations and efficient use of the Agency's resources. 

Tel: 71-244-23-80
E-mail: info@aimc.uz

Main responsibilities
: control and analysis of execution of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ensuring implementation of resolutions and decisions of the Agency’s management by departments, structural subdivisions and system organizations; supervises the consideration of oral and written appeals of individuals and legal entities in the order and within the time limits established by law. 

Mirhosilov Mirzohid Mirhosilovich

Tel: 71-244-38-85
E-mail: m.mirhosilov@aimc.uz

Main responsibilities:
development and implementation of information and communication technologies in the Agency, development of an integrated approach to information security policy and compliance with its implementation measures, ensuring uninterrupted operation of technical, hardware and software data protection tools, website, information and communication management systems.

Yakhyayev Ruzimukhammad Khodjiyevich

Tel: 71-244-32-57
E-mail: hr@aimc.uz

Main responsibilities
: responsible for attracting qualified personnel to the state civil service, creation of necessary legal conditions for increasing their potential, education of them as valiant, humane and competitive personnel, as well as coordination of their activities.

Parpiev Mamurjon Makhmudovich


Main responsibilities: provides information, organizational, methodological and advisory support to business entities in matters of informing about the beginning of publishing and printing activities, assistance in the registration of media, as well as their development, including in the form of public-private partnerships.

Akhtamov Shamsinur Apsamat ugli


Main responsibilities: ensures the legality of the Agency's law enforcement activities, exercises control over the legality of draft regulatory legal acts and other documents developed, prepares proposals on legal regulation of the information sphere, is responsible for improving the legal culture of employees and ensuring reliable protection of the Agency's property and other interests.

Salomov Abubakir Abdimalikovich

93 600-03-30

Main responsibilities: strengthening budgetary discipline in the agency and its system of budgetary organizations and prevention of violations of legislative acts on the budget, assessment budget expenditures effectiveness and implementation of documents in the field of internal audit activities.

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